Core Alternative ETF

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: -3.88%
Endüstri: Large Cap Growth Equities

Microsoft Corporation
UnitedHealth Group
The Southern Company
Alphabet Inc.
Lockheed Martin
Air Products & Chemicals
Morgan Stanley
Microsoft Corporation: 3.3%Fiserv: 3.1%Walmart: 3.1%UnitedHealth Group: 3.1%The Southern Company: 3%Alphabet Inc.: 3%Aflac: 3%Lockheed Martin: 3%Air Products & Chemicals: 2.9%Morgan Stanley: 2.9%Dinlenmek: 69.6%Şirkete göre hisse payı
SVG İndir
PNG İndir
CSV İndir
İsimEndüstriPaylaşmak, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaTemettü getirisi
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Technology 3.31343 12.45 13.64 37.94 25.74 0.7503
Fiserv Fiserv Industrials 3.13096 2.05 3.67 25.73 12.66 0
Walmart Walmart Consumer Staples 3.10952 4.93 0.6883 28.76 12.78 1.07
UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group Healthcare 3.06415 4.93 1.33 21.81 16.44 1.48
The Southern Company The Southern Company Utilities 3.01943 2.16 3.02 19.18 12.08 3.31
Alphabet Inc. Alphabet Inc. Technology 2.99734 6.35 5.86 24.39 18.04 0.21
Aflac Aflac Financials 2.98718 2.22 2.61 10.47 1329.48 1.86
Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin Industrials 2.97582 16.47 1.67 16.27 15.12 2.6
Air Products & Chemicals Air Products & Chemicals Materials 2.90144 3.53 5.44 17.2 11.97 2.44
Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Financials 2.89383 1.52 2.84 16.74 23.02 3.2

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