WisdomTree U.S. LargeCap Fund

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: 0.05%
Endüstri: Large Cap Growth Equities

Microsoft Corporation
Alphabet Inc.
Meta (Facebook)
JPMorgan Chase
Exxon Mobil
Bank of America
Apple: 5.6%Microsoft Corporation: 5.3%Alphabet Inc.: 4.8%Meta (Facebook): 3.7%NVIDIA: 3.2%Amazon: 3%JPMorgan Chase: 2.9%Dinlenmek: 67.8%Şirkete göre hisse payıtr.porti.ru
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İsimEndüstriPaylaşmak, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaTemettü getirisi
Apple Apple Technology 5.56162 63.04 9.18 38.3 27.23 0.4676
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Technology 5.3227 12.45 13.64 37.94 25.74 0.7503
Alphabet Inc. Alphabet Inc. Technology 4.84977 6.35 5.86 24.39 18.04 0.21
Meta (Facebook) Meta (Facebook) Technology 3.65366 6.07 6.89 23.76 16.18 0.245
NVIDIA NVIDIA Technology 3.15225 36.25 25.57 52.35 43.89 0.0236
Amazon Amazon Consumer Discretionary 2.99737 7.97 2.8 52.91 19.55 0
JPMorgan Chase JPMorgan Chase Financials 2.85378 1.5 3.18 9.94 -170.23 2.02
Exxon Mobil Exxon Mobil Energy 2.27653 1.94 1.24 11.47 6.7 3.29
Bank of America Bank of America Financials 1.5581 0.9262 2.74 10.19 8.66 2.41

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