Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Communication Services ETF

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: 0%
Endüstri: Large Cap Blend Equities

İsim Endüstri Paylaşmak, % P/BV P/S P/E EV/Ebitda Temettü getirisi
Meta (Facebook) Meta (Facebook) Technology 6.31 6.07 6.89 23.76 16.18 0.2449
Netflix Netflix Consumer Staples 5.79 10.63 6.49 40.46 10.52 0
Take-Two Take-Two Technology 5.4 4.39 4.65 43.72 -15.35 0
Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. Telecom 5.2 37.81 1.34 34.55 19.53 0
Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Technology 5 4.73 4.69 27.89 17.35 0.5305
Interpublic Group of Companies Interpublic Group of Companies Telecom 4.89 3.13 1.16 11.54 7.72 4.42
Comcast Corporation Comcast Corporation Telecom 4.79 2.19 1.5 11.86 7 3.22
Omnicom Group Omnicom Group Consumer Discretionary 4.46 3.74 1.18 13.3 8.03 3.11
Activision Blizzard Activision Blizzard Technology 4.43 3.11 7.96 39.61 26.05 0
Iridium Communications Iridium Communications Telecom 4.41 5.82 6.54 335.55 16.23 1.91
Charter Charter Telecom 4.37 3.2 0.9056 9.81 20.84 0
Match Group Match Group Telecom 4.24 -541.27 3.14 33.1 6068.87 0.5752
T-Mobile US T-Mobile US Telecom 4.18 2.89 2.38 22.47 21.13 1.05
Verizon Verizon Telecom 4.11 1.68 1.18 13.61 7.22 6.64
Walt Disney Walt Disney Consumer Discretionary 4.05 1.67 1.93 35.42 15.63 0.7662

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