JPMorgan U.S. Minimum Volatility ETF

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: 0%
Endüstri: Large Cap Blend Equities

Cheniere Energy
General Mills
Constellation Energy Corporation
Waste Management
UnitedHealth Group
T-Mobile US
First Solar
Microsoft Corporation
Sempra Energy
The Southern Company
Ameren Corporation
Archer Daniels Midland
Dinlenmek: 90.3%Şirkete göre hisse payı
SVG İndir
PNG İndir
CSV İndir
İsimEndüstriPaylaşmak, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaTemettü getirisi
Cheniere Energy Cheniere Energy Energy 0.7 4.64 2.05 4.24 3.82 0.9362
McKesson McKesson Healthcare 0.68 -44.66 0.2312 23.79 15.9 0.4534
General Mills General Mills Consumer Staples 0.66 4.1 1.99 15.85 12.85 3.69
Constellation Energy Corporation Constellation Energy Corporation Utilities 0.66 5.2 2.99 18.8 15.33 0.6281
Waste Management Waste Management Industrials 0.66 10.44 3.7 29.71 15.03 1.4
UnitedHealth Group UnitedHealth Group Healthcare 0.65 4.93 1.33 21.81 16.44 1.48
T-Mobile US T-Mobile US Telecom 0.65 2.89 2.38 22.47 21.13 1.05
First Solar First Solar Technology 0.64 2.74 5.51 22.02 13.44 0
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Technology 0.64 12.45 13.64 37.94 25.74 0.7503
Sempra Energy Sempra Energy Utilities 0.64 1.39 2.95 15.17 14.74 3.2
The Southern Company The Southern Company Utilities 0.64 2.16 3.02 19.18 12.08 3.31
Ameren Corporation Ameren Corporation Utilities 0.63 3.23 3.13 20.17 6.85 3.2
Archer Daniels Midland Archer Daniels Midland Consumer Staples 0.63 1.11 0.2912 13.84 8.4 3.54
PepsiCo PepsiCo Consumer Staples 0.63 11.51 2.28 21.83 19.05 3.29
Synopsys Synopsys Technology 0.63 8.58 12.63 34.19 54.71 0

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