Invesco Dynamic Software ETF

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: 0%
Endüstri: All Cap Equities

Workday, Inc.
The Trade Desk, Inc.
HubSpot, Inc.
Electronic Arts
Snap Inc.
Roblox Corporation
MicroStrategy Incorporated
Perion Network Ltd.
Manhattan Associates, Inc.
SPS Commerce, Inc.
Veradigm Inc.
Vertex, Inc.
Workday, Inc.: 6%The Trade Desk, Inc.: 5.7%Synopsys: 5.6%HubSpot, Inc.: 5.3%Electronic Arts: 4.8%Snap Inc.: 4.8%Fortinet: 4.4%Nutanix: 3.4%Roblox Corporation: 3.4%MicroStrategy Incorporated: 3.2%Perion Network Ltd.: 3.1%Manhattan Associates, Inc.: 3.1%SPS Commerce, Inc.: 3%Veradigm Inc.: 2.9%Vertex, Inc.: 2.9%Dinlenmek: 38.5%Şirkete göre hisse payı
SVG İndir
PNG İndir
CSV İndir
İsimEndüstriPaylaşmak, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaTemettü getirisi
Workday, Inc. Workday, Inc. Technology 5.95 9.67 10.77 56.62 170.91 0
The Trade Desk, Inc. The Trade Desk, Inc. Technology 5.67 16.97 24.67 153.45 127.95 0
Synopsys Synopsys Technology 5.64 8.58 12.63 34.19 54.71 0
HubSpot, Inc. HubSpot, Inc. Technology 5.32 19 13.8 687.48 -539.64 0
Electronic Arts Electronic Arts Technology 4.84 4.73 4.69 27.89 17.35 0.5559
Snap Inc. Snap Inc. Technology 4.79 11.39 5.97 0 -27.23 0
Fortinet Fortinet Telecom 4.35 -100.81 8.81 40.7 37.38 0
Nutanix Nutanix Technology 3.44 -16.81 5.7 0 71.03 0
Roblox Corporation Roblox Corporation Other 3.41 412.93 10.12 0 -27.89 0
MicroStrategy Incorporated MicroStrategy Incorporated Technology 3.15 4.74 125.87 23.91 -108.34 0
Perion Network Ltd. Perion Network Ltd. Technology 3.05 2.1 2.02 12.82 8.85 0
Manhattan Associates, Inc. Manhattan Associates, Inc. Technology 3.05 49.54 14.84 78.08 62.76 0
SPS Commerce, Inc. SPS Commerce, Inc. Technology 3.04 10.86 13.5 110.1 63.67 0
Veradigm Inc. Veradigm Inc. Healthcare 2.91 1.47 2.06 13.87 6.51 0
Vertex, Inc. Vertex, Inc. Technology 2.85 15.9 7.03 9.55 50.41 0

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