SPDR Portfolio S&P 500 High Dividend ETF

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: -3%
Endüstri: All Cap Equities

Realty Income
Kenvue Inc.
Xcel Energy
Edison International
Consolidated Edison
The Southern Company
Realty Income: 2.8%Dinlenmek: 81.1%Şirkete göre hisse payıtr.porti.ru
SVG İndir
PNG İndir
CSV İndir
İsimEndüstriPaylaşmak, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaTemettü getirisi
Realty Income Realty Income Real Estate 2.77874 1.19 9.67 45.2 16.6 5.75
Kenvue Inc. Kenvue Inc. Consumer Staples 2.27915 3.64 2.64 24.5 13.41 3.41
IBM IBM Technology 1.81896 6.61 3.29 34.27 26.13 3.21
Xcel Energy Xcel Energy Utilities 1.81722 1.94 2.41 19.34 11.99 3.62
Edison International Edison International Utilities 1.78233 1.49 1.64 19.01 10.83 4.66
AbbVie AbbVie Healthcare 1.72653 26.42 5.06 56.49 17.75 3.31
Chevron Chevron Energy 1.70506 1.75 1.28 14.64 6.37 4.1
Medtronic Medtronic Healthcare 1.68943 2.13 3.32 29.26 16.13 3.34
Consolidated Edison Consolidated Edison Utilities 1.68614 1.48 2.14 12.44 10.8 3.3
The Southern Company The Southern Company Utilities 1.66366 2.16 3.02 19.18 12.08 3.31

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