Trend Aggregation Growth ETF

Altı ay boyunca karlılık: 0%
Endüstri: All Cap Equities

Hut 8 Mining Corp.
SoFi Technologies, Inc.
Affirm Holdings, Inc.
Upstart Holdings, Inc.
Opendoor Technologies Inc.
Unity Software Inc.
Mosaic Company
Snowflake Inc.
Datadog, Inc.
Bank of America
General Motors
Palo Alto Networks
MGM Resorts International
Hut 8 Mining Corp.: 3.9%SoFi Technologies, Inc.: 3.7%Affirm Holdings, Inc.: 3.6%Upstart Holdings, Inc.: 3.4%Opendoor Technologies Inc.: 3.3%Unity Software Inc.: 3.3%Mosaic Company: 3.3%Tesla: 3.2%Snowflake Inc.: 3.2%Datadog, Inc.: 3.2%Bank of America: 3.2%General Motors: 3.1%Palo Alto Networks: 3.1%Salesforce: 3%MGM Resorts International: 3%Dinlenmek: 50.6%Şirkete göre hisse payı
SVG İndir
PNG İndir
CSV İndir
İsimEndüstriPaylaşmak, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/EbitdaTemettü getirisi
Hut 8 Mining Corp. Technology 3.85 1.69 10.03 97.89 742.89 0
SoFi Technologies, Inc. SoFi Technologies, Inc. Financials 3.7 1.65 4.47 8.98 -36.37 0
Affirm Holdings, Inc. Affirm Holdings, Inc. Technology 3.62 3.74 4.4 0 -7092.93 0
Upstart Holdings, Inc. Upstart Holdings, Inc. Financials 3.44 5.82 7.2 23 -19.69 0
Opendoor Technologies Inc. Opendoor Technologies Inc. Real Estate 3.31 3.18 0.4427 0 -14.03 0
Unity Software Inc. Unity Software Inc. Technology 3.26 2.6 4.91 0 -12.74 0
Mosaic Company Mosaic Company Materials 3.25 0.9704 0.8809 10.36 6.89 3.01
Tesla Tesla Industrials 3.22 19.92 15.03 207.03 124.73 0
Snowflake Inc. Snowflake Inc. Technology 3.18 13.03 24.1 0 -67.88 0
Datadog, Inc. Datadog, Inc. Technology 3.17 21.37 20.34 891.16 3986.37 0
Bank of America Bank of America Financials 3.16 0.9262 2.74 10.19 8.66 2.41
General Motors General Motors Industrials 3.13 0.7219 0.287 4.92 16.47 0.9291
Palo Alto Networks Palo Alto Networks Technology 3.05 22.05 14.2 44.23 88.97 0
Salesforce Salesforce Technology 3.04 4.75 8.13 68.49 31.27 0.3425
MGM Resorts International MGM Resorts International Consumer Discretionary 3.03 3.64 0.9846 13.93 18.55 0

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